Hard Cover Books
This premium quality photo book is custom bound in fabric with your choice of a full-sized or partial dust jacket. Inspired by our favorite coffee table books, the hardcover book features premium fabric and matte finish 100% recycled interior pages with dust jacket wrap.

Square (8.5x8.5")
Landscape (11x8.25") or Vertical (8.25x11")

$99 (50 pages)
Duplicates $75


Soft Cover Books
The Softcover Book features a warm textured eggshell cover with 100% recycled interior matte pages. These premium quality photo books are acclaimed for the texture and finish of the cover stock. You will love the square or landscape/vertical options. The soft covers have beautiful layout options to choose from. The paper is made from 100% post-consumer waste. 

Square sizes
5.5x5.5 40 pg, $35 (Duplicates $20)
8.5x8.5 40 pg, $65 (Duplicates $39)


Landscape & vertical sizes
6x8 40 pg, $45 (Duplicates $27)
8.25x11 40 pg, $65 
(Duplicates $39)


Accordion Mini Albums
Features 12 photos of your choosing. Perfect size for gifts. Magnetic closure. Premium signature print paper. 

Cover options: black, brown, cream, red, green, blue

First Album: $45.00
Reprints: $25.00

